2024 Listed Tides
For Long Beach Tides, Twin Harbors Tides, Copalis and Mocrocks Tides.
Only Good Razor Clamming Tides Are Shown
Crabbing High Tides, See Bottom of Page to View NOAA 2022 Tides
Tides in Bold Red Are Excellent – Tides in Red Good

Tides for razor clamming are so important, and they can also be very confusing. Check out my personal tide tips by clicking above.
Open Razor Clamming Dates in Washington Frequently Change
Unlike Oregon, for Long Beach Tides the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife schedules open Razor Clamming dates a few weeks or a few months in advance. But these dates are generally tentative and can change. Almost always, a few days prior to a dig, biotoxin level tests are done again. Consequently, a scheduled opening can change the day of a planned dig. Be advised, this is not that much of an inconvenience for locals but can make things exceedingly difficult for visitors.
Long Beach Tides Tables Disclaimer:
Data is based upon the latest information available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This tide data is for public use; therefore, it is not copyrighted (see NOAA for more info.) All tide tables will vary based upon various factors. So, know they are just predictions. Due to many NOAA Tides stations available throughout Oregon and Washington (300+); consequently, data is location dependent. However, the closet available bay or long beach tide station has been used for each location. Therefore, location data, moon variations, heavy seas, weather, and many other factors will probably change data.
Although the data found using the NOAA tide-tables for public use are believed to be reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made from NOAA or razorclamming.com. This includes accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any and all information. These data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of this posting, and may differ from more recently updated published tide tables.
NOAA can be reached at: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)
Clam and Crab Biotoxin Testing
Always check shellfish safety with your States Department of Agriculture. Furthermore, the Departments of Agriculture works in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife which have collected and tested shellfish for toxins. As a result, the area your clamming in may, or may not, be open and safe. Razorclamming.com accepts no responsibility for the safety of crabs, clams, and similarly for the consumption of any shellfish.