Ken Axt lives in Lincoln City, Oregon with his high school sweetheart and wife Stacie Axt. He enjoys his family (daughter, son, nephew, niece), cooking and of course clamming at any coast he can get to. This Website is a labor of love! It started because of his family’s encouragement after enjoying all the clamming events, and his cooking over 50 years at both the Oregon and Washington coasts in the Pacific Northwest.
Computer Executive Ken Axt
Ken started his career in the motorcycle industry at fourteen working for his father’s dealership in 1969. After a number of jobs including one as a Real Estate Agent, he found himself selling mini-computers for Exxon Office Systems. As a result, he was competing against IBM, WANG and Burroughs Corporations. When first introduced to the market he became smitten by the personal computer. That lead him to Businessland Corporation, a PC startup in the 1980’s. There he was promoted five times in five years to a District Manager; the company went public and grew from $50M to $1 Billion. Thereafter, Ken went to work for Metheus Corporation as the Director and Strategic Marketing Manager, of the PC division. In 1996 he started working for Intel Corporation as the National Channel Manager. Then left for FrontRange Systems in 2004 where he was Director of Marketing for their Infrastructure Management product line.
Published Book
Ken published a book on clamming titled “Clamming the Pacific Northwest Coast” in 2015. Which was well received by thousands of clamming enthusiasts. Consequently, it received many positive customer quotes. So, two are listed below.
“Ken has taken the time to weave family stories and clamming experiences throughout this book to make it a truly enjoyable read. Once I opened it I couldn’t put it down!”
—- Frank Amato, Publisher
“The most comprehensive guide book on clamming in the Pacific Northwest I’ve seen. You’ll learn when and where to find them, how to dig them, clean them, store them, along with some really great recipes.”
— John Morris, Seaside Oregon Clammer
Today Ken Axt is retired and lives in Lincoln City, Oregon. He loves outdoor events with his family. He also focuses on his writing and creating monetized websites like razorclamming.com. Occasionally, he donates his time providing services for Website Development, SEO Optimization, Sales, Marketing, and Small Business Consulting.