Home Harvest Shellfish Clam Show Photos

Clam Show Photos

Razor Clam Show Photos

These photos will give you and idea of what to expect. Keep in mind, that when you get on the beach it’s more likely the shows will be light, but on a good day you’ll see razor clam shows like the first two.

Bay Clams


Information provided is a result of personal experience at each bay or beach location. In addition, local residences providing input and advice, and ongoing information from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife websites. Information will change as incoming seas tend to shift and move sand. After that it makes it harder for clams to reproduce. So always check for current beach closures and advisories related to biotoxins. Or, pollution or other human health concerns the same day you plan to harvest. Razorclamming.com is not responsible for the accuracy of this data and the outcome or results of your personal efforts. Or, safe consumption of shellfish.

During certain times of the year, marine toxins, produced by some species of diatoms (algae) are taken in by shellfish. When ingested, these toxins can cause illness and in exceedingly high concentrations can be fatal to humans. So, for that reason clamming during high biotoxin times is not allowed. The Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and Washington Department Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) in cooperation with the Departments of Health (DOH) sample clams on a routine basis. If high toxin levels are detected, clam seasons are delayed or closed. ODFW, WDFW and DOH work extremely hard to provide a safe and fun resource to enjoy for all clammers. Therefore, always contact ODFW or WDFW to check on safety relating to shellfish.